The Honorable Arthur M. Monty Ahalt was appointed to the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland on February 9, 1982. Judge Ahalt retired from the bench on September 17, 1999 at the end of his term.
Judge Ahalt is CEO of VirtualCourthouse LLC. VirtualCourthouse LLC is a company he founded which facilitates the resolution of disputes using Internet technologies.
He also has served as Chief Industry Advisor for Lexis Nexis CourtLink. LexisNexis CourtLink provides electronic public access and electronic filing to the nations courts.
As Chairman of the Court’s Technology Committee, Judge Ahalt was the Court’s Chief of Information Technology. He was responsible for organizing the Court’s National electronic filing pilot entitled JusticeLINK in 1996. This pilot represented the first comprehensive effort nationally to file pleadings electronically and to organize the Court’s information electronically so that it is available to the public through electronic communications.
Judge Ahalt is an internationally recognized advocate, lecturer, and presenter of technology programs. He has made presentations to the Conference of Chief Justices, The Conference of State Court Administrators, and CTC6 the Technology Conference sponsored by the National Center for State Courts, The American Bar Association’s Tech Show, The Maryland Bar Association’s Tech Show and the Connecticut Bar Association’s Tech Show.
He has appeared as a feature speaker on the WorldNet Dialogue Broadcast, a television satellite program of the United States Information Agency. He has also made presentations to international groups from: Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Dominican Republic, England, Holland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Trinidad and Venezuela.
He has served on the faculty of the Institute for Court Management-National Center for State Courts where he has conducted seminars on electronic filing, electronic public access to the courts and public policy considerations of electronic public access.