Final dispute conclusion by a retired judge or experienced neutral arbitrator

A conclusion reached with the assistance of an experienced neutral mediator.

Jury Verdicts
I was appointed to the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland in 1982.

Check Judge Ahalt's(Ret.) availability and request to be contacted.
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Judge Arthur M. Monty Ahalt (Ret.)
Upon his retirement in 1999 Judge Ahalt (Ret.) commenced a career as an ADR neutral and technology innovator.
Judge Ahalt(Ret.) has been certified as a mediator by most all of the Courts of Maryland. He has also been certified to mediate Medical Malpractice Disputes by the statewide Medical Malpractice panel and the statewide panel for Complex Business and Technology disputes.
Judge Ahalt(Ret.) has successfully mediated tens of thousands disputes in areas including complex business transactions, construction, personal injury, medical malpractice, real estate, landlord and tenant, and contracts.He is frequently called upon by the parties and judges to mediate the most challenging judicial controversies involving post trial and appellate issues. He brings his 45 years of experience in the trial arena to benefit the parties assisting them in evaluating and mitigating risk. His efforts of tracking, analysing and publishing jury verdicts provide the litigants with real life examples of risk application.
In 2001 Judge Ahalt(Ret.) founded VirtualCourthouse.com a leading provider of online dispute resolution (ODR) technologies and Internet processes.
VirtualCourthouse.com has resolved over 1,000 disputes. VirtualCourthouse.com has been featured on Fox and ABC News and was awarded the American Bar Association Louis Brown Award for Legal Access in 2009.Judge Ahalt(Ret.) provides the legal and business community with his vast experiences as a Judge, courthouse planner, change management manager and entrepreneur through AhaltConsult, Inc. in the following areas –
- Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Systems
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Systems
- Electronic Filing Systems
- Litigation Integration
- Risk Management
- Litigation Cost Management
- Change Management
- Case Management Planning
- Courthouse and Courtroom Design