Upon his retirement in 1999 Judge Ahalt founded AhaltConsult, Inc. and commenced providing the legal and business community alternative dispute resolution services. Judge Ahalt brings his wide range of experience as a judge and lawyer in enabling the fair resolution of disputes. During his 40 years on the bench Judge Ahalt has conducted over 30,000 settlement conference facilitations. Since commencing the private practice of dispute resolution Judge Ahalt has successfully conducted 1000’s of mediations and arbitrations involving complex business issues, real estate issues, medical malpractice claims, personal injury claims and many others. Judge Ahalt is a certified civil mediator in Maryland and is listed as a mediator on the approved Statewide Panels for Business & Technology and Health Care Malpractice cases and for eleven circuit courts.
Judge Ahalt has been selected as a Distinguished Neutral by The National Acadamy of Distinguished Neutrals. He is one of seven neutrals in the State of Maryland to be so honored.
Judge Ahalt’s fee for services is $500 per hour. Usually the parties agree to divide the fees equally.